You just do your own separation of logic & design, using Arc as the template language. I know it sounds PHP-esque but in practice it seems rather elegant so far.
;; the controller-ish part
(defop problems req
(display-probs (get-user req)))
;; the view-ish fn
(def display-probs (u)
(mypage ; a layout-ish macro
(each id (keys probs*) (display-prob u (probs* id)))))
;; a partial-ish fn
(def display-prob (u p)
(tag (div class "prob")
(tag (span class "pid") (pr (p 'id) "."))
(tag (span class "text") (pr (p 'text)))
(tag (div class "links")
(let bar* " • "
(link "details"
(string "http://someurl/foo?bar=1&id=" (p 'id)))
(link "solve" (newsolnlink (p 'id)))
(link "solutions" (solnlink 'p (p 'id))))))))