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2 points by hjek 2227 days ago | link | parent

> You don't have to wipe up the mess. I didn't ask you to wipe up the mess, and I didn't expect you to.

I agree. That was my own expectation, and also I might have been wrong in expecting stability from a repo that's meant to be "extremely permissive in accepting patches."

> And you've explained at length already why that entire commit was misguided, but it wasn't broken.

That I don't agree with. I would consider a commit, that makes all links not work in the default config and prepends the site name to already absolute links, broken as well as misguided.

> But I am trying to make things better here. So thank you for cleaning up after me, and I will try harder in the future.

That's great. It's good to see work done on Arc. Looking forward to see where this goes.

> Moving news to a new folder shouldn't be a reason to create a hostile fork.

Let's just call it a fork, not a hostile fork, shall we? Also there's some other reasons listed in the readme of the fork.