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3 points by hjek 2230 days ago | 6 comments

3 points by i4cu 2230 days ago | link

The service looks interesting. I was glad to see the change logs of your repo were respected. The service itself seems intermittent I can't seem to get a pulse on how stable it is.


3 points by hjek 2230 days ago | link

How stable the hosting service is? Check


3 points by i4cu 2230 days ago | link

Yeah, about half of my 10 or so page reqs timed out, so that's probably not covered under outages. I'll just have to follow it a little more; it just wasn't the greatest intro experience, but that happens.


2 points by hjek 2230 days ago | link

That's pretty bad. Perhaps consider reporting[0] the issue to them, along with a traceroute output? It's working fine here.



3 points by i4cu 2230 days ago | link

Ahh...Chuckle: That page was under one the pages I tried to hit, but couldn't (at the time).

Right now I'm going to just monitor it for a bit. I don't like logging issues unless I know it's not something that's just temporary.


2 points by hjek 2225 days ago | link

New link:
