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3 points by krapp 2235 days ago | link | parent

Ok. I will try to be more careful in the future. In fact, I won't even merge until someone looks at the commit, fair enough?

It isn't broken, though, at least not if "broken" implies an unusable state. I did test the forum before I pushed, I just didn't catch everything... I didn't even know prompt.arc existed, or what it was for, but apparently neither did you. ;)

But news does still work. It just doesn't work from the same location as previously, which I think is hardly setting fire to the store.

2 points by i4cu 2234 days ago | link

For what it's worth I agree with the app/news changes. So Good Job I say.

And with that said, after looking at the anarki directory it's apparently becoming a dumping ground for people to place files at the top level. I'm not sure why this is happening, but I hope others take a look at what you have done with app/news and continue the trend of organizing things better.


2 points by akkartik 2234 days ago | link

Ah, I see, it was just the `run-news` script that was broken. Yes, I can imagine accidentally breaking that myself :)

Thanks for being agreeable to the requests of others. In the end, that's all any of us can do.
