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3 points by hjek 2500 days ago | link | parent

First, congrats with getting of Facebook and Linked-In!

Yes, most of the web doesn't care about non-free JS.

However, for me, it's higher priority to do what I think is right, rather than what is popular. If I didn't care about free software, I'd just put stuff on Ebay instead.

That's also why I coded this new event calendar in Arc -- that you can check out in the Anarki repository -- because I'm part of this art collective where everyone have been publishing events exclusively on Facebook, which is super annoying when you don't want to be used by Facebook.

I wanted to make something that was as easy to use but free, because many artists can't be bothered to use FTP to edit plain text files, and all the PHP calendars I looked at were overengineered overcomplex piles of drupal.

Anyway, I might look into Paypals Python SDK, because Hy makes Python acceptable.