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Website with arc
5 points by jsgrahamus 3356 days ago | 2 comments
Looking to build a website using CL or Scheme or arc. Basically it would need to display products and allow purchase of them.

I would need to incorporate a shopping cart in the website. Is there one which you have used or know of which would readily integrate with CL or Scheme or arc?

Also, what is the most inexpensive way to host this website? For development? For production?

Thanks, Steve

3 points by akkartik 3356 days ago | link

You would have to write code in Arc or Racket, I think. In common lisp I see on

For hosting there's tons of cheap unix VPS providers. Not much differentiating them; just go with one, and you can switch if you don't like it. Start with or


2 points by zck 3355 days ago | link

Obviously Arc is somewhat of an unconventional choice, so you might run into more problems. I'm not saying that to discourage you, just to make you aware of what you're getting into.

You might also look into Clojure, if you want something with more libraries.

But if you decide on Arc, I'd say (as usual) that you can just do development on whatever machine you're working on -- you won't be doing anything heavyweight enough that you need a separate dev machine.

Having not run Arc in production, I'll defer to akkartik's suggestions for picking a cheap VPS.
