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How to install racket in fedora20?
2 points by tvvocold 3686 days ago | 3 comments

2 points by rocketnia 3685 days ago | link

I recommend downloading one of the pre-built Debian or Ubuntu installers from, making sure to choose i386 or x86_64 depending on your system architecture.

I don't know if the Debian version or Ubuntu version would be better on Fedora, so I recommend installing either one into a self-contained folder in case it was the wrong choice.


2 points by tvvocold 3685 days ago | link

but Fedora isn't based on Debian


2 points by rocketnia 3685 days ago | link

When you're on and you select a Linux version to download, this note appears at the bottom of the page:

  Note about the Linux installers: if you don't see an option for your
  particular platform, try other Linux installers, starting from similar
  ones. Very often, a build on one Linux variant will work on others
It's too bad this note doesn't appear before you choose one, huh? :) For what it's worth, I've installed Racket on other versions of Linux two or three times, and I haven't noticed any problems.
