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1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link | parent

and anybody know how to set open links in new window?

1 point by akkartik 3686 days ago | link

Does that help? I can give more detailed instructions in a bit.


1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

Thank you very much.and how can i add something like 'about' or copyright in app?like the bottom of or hacker news?


2 points by akkartik 3686 days ago | link

It's in the same place. Try adding some text outside the table tag. For example:

  (mac npage (title . body)
    `(tag html
       (tag head
         (prn "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" favicon-url* "\">")
         (prn "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">")
         (prn "<base target=\"_blank\">")
         (tag script (pr votejs*))
         (tag title (pr ,title)))
       (tag body
           (tag (table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 width "85%"
                       bgcolor sand)
           (prn "Copyright blah blah")))))


2 points by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

yes,it works but the copyright is out of page and don't looks good,check this how to fix?


1 point by akkartik 3686 days ago | link

Then you'll need to learn about html tables, I think. You need to create a row in the table that spans both columns. See if this helps: Don't be afraid to experiment, and come ask more questions when you get stuck.


1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

well, when i git push a png file and edit then restart, my app goes down and 8080 port is i kill -9 the pid and (load "lib/news.arc") (nsv '("my ip" 8080)) , then i got a blank hacker news i app-force-stop it and start again then got a full-blank page...what happeded?

i just got it right :it seems force-stop will drop the repo/www file and those would got lost!!bazinga!


1 point by shader 3686 days ago | link

Force-stop shouldn't be what drops the www. The repo reset should only happen during the git push process. Otherwise I don't think it touches what's in the repo dir.

In any case, I think all of the stuff in the www folder should probably be moved to the data directory, so it doesn't get wiped regularly. I just haven't done it yet; partly because I didn't know exactly where I would put it.

Feel free to make a change to put it where you want it, and then send a pull request.


1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

also i noticed that there is a Downvote feature in arc but cannot see it in the page?


1 point by akkartik 3683 days ago | link


1 point by tvvocold 3685 days ago | link

i noticed that there is a blog feature in anarki, how to run it on openshift? (bsv)?


1 point by akkartik 3683 days ago | link

Yup. Does that work?


1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

it will open every link include the head of page like "new | threads | comments | leaders | submit" but i dont like these also be open in the new tab,(so many tabs then), any idea?


2 points by akkartik 3686 days ago | link

Do you want to just open stories in new tabs? I think this will do it. Try it and let me know.

   (def titlelink (s url user)
     (let toself (blank url)
       (tag (a href (if toself
                         (item-url s!id)
                        (or (live s) (author user s) (editor user))
               rel  (unless (or toself (> (realscore s) follow-threshold*))
  -                   'nofollow))
  +                   'nofollow)
  +            target '_blank)
         (pr s!title))))
The way to read that is to delete the line that starts with a '-', and to replace it with the lines that start with a '+'. Don't include the '+' itself.


1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

ok,but how should i edit this in my app? i wanna user click url and open it in the new tab. need more detailes..

plz paste here. thx


1 point by akkartik 3686 days ago | link

Add one line to lib/news.arc:

  (mac npage (title . body)
    `(tag html
       (tag head
         (prn "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" favicon-url* "\">")
         (prn "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">")
         (prn "<base target=\"_blank\">")  ;; <--- add this line
         (tag script (pr votejs*))
         (tag title (pr ,title)))
       (tag body
           (tag (table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 width "85%"
                       bgcolor sand)
