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2 points by tvvocold 3687 days ago | link | parent

well, i use ,and the echo of my admins is admin.(not "admin") ...when log as admin, i only have 'discuss' rights,and do not see the other rights.( sry, cannot upload photo here) >i try to edit site's color in news.arc then restart app and it loaded the color, but i edit the welcome message it didnot work, so do admins,,, something wrong?

1 point by rocketnia 3686 days ago | link

"the echo of my admins is admin.(not "admin") ...when log as admin, i only have 'discuss' rights,and do not see the other rights.( sry, cannot upload photo here)"

Now that you've made a GitHub issue (, could you upload a screenshot there?

Please also paste the contents of your "www/admins" file there. I'm not sure what you mean by 'admin.(not "admin")'.


2 points by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

here is the page:

    2 points by tvvocold 19 hours ago | discuss | edit
    2.*Hello Fedora (
    1 point by admin 19 hours ago | discuss | edit
when i cd app-root/repo/arc/ and vi admins



2 points by rocketnia 3686 days ago | link

But is there a similar file under app-root/data/?

I think that's where the Arc code is actually supposed to be installed, at least according to the openshift-arc readme. Maybe the readme is out of date.... :/


2 points by shader 3686 days ago | link

The arc git repo is cloned under app-root/data, but it's not used as the root directory for the web application in case the user has other files they want to load.

I'll admit, the readme isn't the best. I mostly copied it from the original and changed the relevant bits.

Unfortunately, certain files like adminfile* should probably not be relative to the repo directory, because it's likely to get wiped. I'm not sure where the right place to put it would be though. Maybe data/config?


1 point by rocketnia 3686 days ago | link

When you're logged in as admin, can you see anything on the page http://....../newsadmin (replacing ...... as needed)?


1 point by akkartik 3686 days ago | link

Maybe you need to drop the quotes in the file?


1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

i pasted all the step here


1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

i drop and drop out , all didnot work.


2 points by tvvocold 3687 days ago | link

just saw this so i think the problem maybe be here, well, in my repo i only got "diy main.arc misc static www arc", right?


1 point by rocketnia 3686 days ago | link

"in my repo i only got "diy main.arc misc static www arc""

Hmm, that looks weird, actually. I haven't used openshift-arc myself, but it supposedly installs Arc in the data/ directory. Is that really your repo/ directory? What does your data/ directory look like?

Here's the OpenShift directory structure if it helps:


By the way, you can type code on the Arc forum by indenting it by two spaces:

  By the way, you can format code here on Arc Forum by indenting it by two spaces:
You can also write multiple paragraphs by putting a blank line in between. For instance, in the code above, "abc def" would be a single paragraph, but "By the way" would start a new one.

The official formatting instructions are here:


Unfortunately, I'm going to sleep right now, and akkartik is in the same time zone as I am, so you might have to wait a while. Sorry.


1 point by tvvocold 3686 days ago | link

Thx,rocketnia.i pasted all the step here but i still cannot use admin's rights.which step was wrong?


1 point by tvvocold 3687 days ago | link

i try "rhc app-force-stop appname" and the welcome message changed but admin still that ,any idea?
