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3 points by kogir 4085 days ago | link | parent

It's hard to say since Arc doesn't have a formal spec. The end goal is for everything to just work like it would in pg's Arc. I'm slowly working toward that goal.

Right now, Arc s-exp editing macros are straight-up unsupported. In addition to pattern matching, you have to explicitly break hygiene with leak and bind:

  (mac nif (test body ...)
    #:leak (nit)
    (bind (nit test)
      (if nit body ...)))
  > (nif 5 (displayln (+ "yep: " nit)) (displayln (+ "nope: " nit)))
  yep: 5
  > (nif nil (displayln (+ "yep: " nit)) (displayln (+ "nope: " nit)))
There's more I'm sure.