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2 points by rocketnia 4465 days ago | link | parent

"I certainly didn't mean to make it personal. I didn't even think I was talking about you. [...] now I'm afraid to pick at this further."

Oh, sorry. I'm personally invested in this topic, but I'm not offended. But come to think of it, my post was a few claims fluffed up with personal foibles in place of other justification, and thanks for not being eager to refute the acceptableness of my foibles. :-p


"In this case..."

I don't have much of an opinion in this particular case. I was spurred on by the "common complaint" that people don't share their code in progress, and I'm interested in what kind of overall strategy we should pursue in response.

- Social networks for code sharing (e.g. package managers, HTTP, GitHub)?

- Collaborative development of large-scale online worlds (e.g. Wikipedia)?

- Socially encouraging or discouraging people to program depending on their personality?

- Investigating what kinds of programming problems are so mathematically exotic that meaningful code is exactly the thing that's hardest to develop?

- Different laws and licenses related to sharing code?


"And he's referred to code so we know it's not a pure spec."

I don't remember that part. I did skip a few boring parts in the video. ^_^;;

Hmm, maybe I even consider runnable code to be relatively boring and forgettable. XD; Probably depends on whether it's a product I'm eager to use right away. ^_^

1 point by akkartik 4465 days ago | link

Socially encouraging or discouraging people to program depending on their personality?

Yeah, my hypothesis is that it's a psychological thing. Putting something out there is scary.

But this guy is putting out stuff, just not code. So my theory breaks down there :/ Never mind, let me just invite him over:
