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1 point by FredBrach 4701 days ago | link | parent

>> and it fixes everything.

Oh no I'm completely wrong here.

Some of you were right, there is a sensible problem in names/scope I've not expected. But I've the answer to everything :)


What are libraries? There are application foundations. In other words, applications are built on top of libraries.

So let's make it as it should.

A libraries is a function which takes in arguments an other libraries or an end application.

Let loadlast be a function which bind to a symbol the eval of the last instruction of a file. And let use the arc evaluation syntax.


  ////////////// app.ext ////////////////////

  (loadlast '"lib1.ext" 'MyLib1)

  (loadlast '"lib2.ext" 'MyLib2)

  (loadlast '"lib3.ext" 'MyLib3)

  (= 'MyApp
     '(*put your application here*))

  (MyLib1 '(MyLib2 '(Mylib3 MyApp))) ; This launches the whole

  MyApp ; that makes MyApp a lib. MyApp is working with MyLib1, MyLib2 and MyLib3 and thus must be embed at least on top of a stack which contains them.

  ///////////// lib1.ext ////////////////////




  arg1; it evaluates (MyLib2 '(Mylib3 MyApp))  which can now  use lib1 via the dynamic scope system



I'm not saying this is strictly innovative.