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2 points by akkartik 4652 days ago | link | parent

1. Yes, -m is meaningless in racket (which is why it's not mentioned on that page you linked to). It's one of several incompatible changes with mzscheme.

2. Hmm, it works for me. Are you sure there's no prompt? Here's how it looks for me:

  $ racket -f as.scm  
  Use (quit) or ^D to quit, (tl) to return here after an interrupt. 
  arc> (load "news.arc") 
  arc> (thread (nsv)) 
  arc> rm: cannot remove `arc/news/story/*.tmp': No such file or directory 
  load items:  
  ranking stories. 
  ready to serve port 8080 
It's hidden, but there's a 'arc> ' prompt after it returns #<thread>. Threads still continue to print to the terminal, so that makes the prompt a little hard to find. In these situations I just type in a new expression (say 'nil') and hit <Enter>. If I get a response, I was at the prompt :)

3. Check out the third bullet at about srv throttling connections :)

1 point by rocketnia 4651 days ago | link

"-m is meaningless in Racket"

Only if it's meaningless to invoke a procedure called 'main automatically. :-p

These are the command-line args:

The old -m option appearing in the instructions at meant "don't show the 'Welcome to PLT Scheme' message."


1 point by darjeeling 4651 days ago | link

Yes, you're right, the prompt was being returned- I wasn't careful enough :)

It came as a surprise that HN serves directly off port 80- wonder how to they manage ssl from arc. I plan to serve via apache rewrite rules (reverse proxy)- and yes, sadly all ips in the arc logs show the local address. Thanks for this link. Also, who is that strange user on my logs (there are different names on different hosts)? :)

One OT question: Is there someway I can make comments on a story's page appear sorted by time- let's say- by pressing some button "show oldest/newest first" ? I have not yet started to hack the code- wanted to be a little comfortable with the system first. I assume working with news.arc would be enough for the news page?
