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Arc noob
4 points by vu3rdd 4714 days ago | 12 comments
I am an arc newbie (though I have known about it since the day it was discussed by PG) and want to install arc. I see several forks of arc (arc3.1, anarki, a CL version of arc etc etc). Which one should I use?

PS: It will be great if this forum had an rss feed.

1 point by akkartik 4714 days ago | link

Let me see if I can setup an RSS feed. Leave your email in your profile (the 'about' field; the 'email' field is not visible to others) if you'd like to know when it's ready.


2 points by thaddeus 4714 days ago | link

Already done!


1 point by vu3rdd 4713 days ago | link

Great! Thanks.


1 point by vu3rdd 4713 days ago | link

Thanks. I updated the email.


2 points by markkat 4707 days ago | link

Welcome! I started with Arc3.1 but have been adding anarki features piecemeal.


1 point by mjdwitt 4714 days ago | link

Personally, I used arc3.1 until I ran into a need for features that anarki had added to arc. You might have a few issues building mzscheme 372 for arc3.1, however, given its age.


1 point by akkartik 4714 days ago | link

arc3.1 works fine with the latest racket.

This list of bugs in arc3.1 is good to be aware of so you know the most common reasons to switch:


2 points by mjdwitt 4713 days ago | link

It would have been nice to know that 3.1 worked fine with racket. Is there any way we can update the installation instructions on this site to reflect that, or does pg need to do that?


3 points by akkartik 4713 days ago | link

Yeah. We regulars try really hard to get the word out about the arc wiki because we're actually empowered to keep it updated.


1 point by vu3rdd 4713 days ago | link

Is there a mailing list or is this forum the place to ask questions?



2 points by akkartik 4713 days ago | link

This forum is it. Feel free to ask us anything.


1 point by typhon 4710 days ago | link

I use Arc3.1, but I hacked ac.scm to be able to write a basic HTTP client.
