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3 points by thaddeus 4792 days ago | link | parent

I don't disagree with your thought's, however I don't think they account for the TCQ aspect of everyone's situation.

Let's put put it another way. In my situation, if I have to look a using C then it's already game over[1]. However I can, with my limited amount of time (lunches, evenings and weekends) become proficient enough in Clojure (with a continual thanks to Arc).

What I am suggesting is that knowing the language well enough to easily identify these 50%+ hitters is a matter of finding low hanging fruit and at the same time becoming a better Arc/Clojure programmer. It does not mean I want to change my direction in the heavily-optimized/low-level to high-level/low-maintenance/readable code continuum.

[1] I'm not a programmer[2], I am a business analyst that works with software that simulates oil & gas production from reservoirs that sit several hundred kilometers underground. Simulation scenario's are run for 20 year production periods across hundreds of interdependent wells. The current software tools run the simulations across many cores, they take 8 days to run to completion and they cost about a half a million dollars per seat (+18% per year maintenance fees). This cost can be attributed to the R&D that occurred 8-10 years ago (i.e they required a team(s?) of P.Engs writing software in C to maximize the performance). Eight years ago you couldn't do (pmap[3] (sortby-commonest or whatever.... )) so easily. Nowadays I have the opportunity to create a 70% solution all by my lonesome, costing only a portion of my time. Hence why understanding the language well enough to find the low hanging fruit and not having to use C, is probably bigger deal to me.

[2] Well, maybe I shouldn't say this... rather I should say it's not my day job. I have no formal education in the field. I'm pretty much self taught.

[3] pmap is the same as map only it distributes the load across multiple processors in parallel.


2 points by akkartik 4792 days ago | link

Ah you're right. I wasn't taking individual strengths and weaknesses into account in my analysis.


1 point by thaddeus 4791 days ago | link

> several hundred kilometers underground...

Lol, that's a gross overstatement, I meant to say several hundred meters (not that it's relevant to the topic) :)
