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Basic string trimming function.
1 point by markkat 4909 days ago | 4 comments
Hi all. I'm looking for a function to trim a string at specific character. For example, I want to cut "hjhjs&kldj" at '&, and return "hjhjs".

I think I am thinking too hard... Thanks!

4 points by akkartik 4909 days ago | link

  (car:tokens "hjsjs&kldj" #\&)


1 point by markkat 4909 days ago | link

Thank you! Tokens, where have you been?!


2 points by zck 4909 days ago | link

I'm not sure if you've seen it, but is a great arc reference guide: There are a few things that I've found are out of date, but it's mostly accurate.

Here's the documentation for tokens:


2 points by markkat 4908 days ago | link

Thanks zck. I have it. But apparently that wasn't enough for me yesterday. :) BTW, and updated or Anarki version would be wonderful.
