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1 point by rocketnia 5016 days ago | link | parent

For what it's worth, you're not the only one. I haven't gotten the hang of anything but the Windows text box conventions. :)

Pretty much all I want is an editor that loads quickly, shows whitespace, highlights matching parens, and does regex search-and-replace and find-in-files. Usually my choice has been EditPlus, but Notepad++ is a great open-source alternative, and gedit's another good one (although I think I've had to use grep separately with gedit).

I turn to jEdit for editing Unicode documents, NetBeans for editing C/C++, and DrRacket for editing big Racket projects, but those are extremely rare situations for me. Most of the time I avoid all three of them because of how long they take to load; I can almost always get in and out faster with plain Notepad.

I haven't looked at TextMate or nano.