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1 point by rocketnia 5046 days ago | link | parent

It sounds like you're talking about what forums usually accomplish using the HTML "title" attribute. Doing it in JavaScript lets your bubble be more stylish, and there might even be a way to do stylish bubbles using just CSS (having a separate :hover style or something, with the regular style hiding the children), but "title" should be the easiest to try first:

  <a href="http:..." title="Agreed.">Ask so-and-so: ...</a>
Something you might find convenient here is Arc's 'ellipsize function, which shortens long strings and puts ... at the end.

1 point by markkat 5045 days ago | link

Thanks. Struggling with it, but I'll keep at it. Will title really work if I am referencing a call to comment text? I'm going to give the :hover route a shot. Not too worried about style though. :)

Ellipsize will definitely come in handy. Thanks for the tip.
