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1 point by thaddeus 5516 days ago | link | parent

Much better. When I revisited I went much further and clicked through those option buttons. Since then I noticed one more thing: The space on the left side showing the history fluctuates in size quite a bit and only takes advantage of a third of the vertical space my screen has available. The fluctuating size forces me to chase the <older and newer> links as they move around the screen. Might I suggest moving the older/newer nav links to the top area so they remain in a fixed position, then allow the history to fill to the bottom of the webpage. My 2 cents :).

[Edit: or even have the links both atop and bottom]

1 point by akkartik 5516 days ago | link

I added pagination links to the top, and made it 25 links per page. Since there's links at the top I'm less concerned about requiring scrolling to paginate :) Thanks for the suggestion.


1 point by thaddeus 5515 days ago | link

I think there's a bug. I ran finance from home yesterday -> and stepped through the history section. On my lunch hour today I gave the same input... and the same history is still there. Given I don't have a user account and I am at a different IP, I think everyone get a shared history.

Earlier you posted...

"so if somebody else makes a request while you're browsing, you see the history for their station when you hit older or newer.."

I don't think anyone one else made this request while I was browsing and these are the links from yesterday.


1 point by akkartik 5515 days ago | link

That quote was a bug report, and it was already fixed at the time of writing :)

The way it works right now: stations are distinct, and have their own history, but are shared across users. The fact that the same history is still there just means that nobody else used the finance station in the meantime. Am I misunderstanding something?

Why don't we take this offline? My email is in my profile. If you send me email I can set you up with a user account. It's extremely unpolished, but you'll be able to import your own feeds and so on.

This goes for anyone else reading this, btw. Send me email and I'll set you up with your own private feedreader on readwarp.
