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2 points by rocketnia 5499 days ago | link | parent

Yeah, I thought the "like," "love!" etc. were a bit weird-looking myself at first, even if they were nicely minimalistic.

Since this is functionally the same as a system that rates things from 0 to 3 stars (or 1 to 4 stars, although I don't like 1-to-4 'cause it fools me into thinking there's a 50%), I think actual stars would be a less surprising interface. That would also be nicer to red-green colorblind users.

On another note, I may have found a few bugs. (In case you're keeping a log, my seed for this session was "". I'm not using the feedback feature, 'cause I don't know if that's buggy too!) I went through several pages I don't remember, pressed the older and newer buttons, and ended up finding a link to "Notion Ink Adam tablet hands on (Pixel Qi Display)" in my recent activity even though I hadn't seen that yet. All I can guess is that either it was someone else's recent activity or else it was what I was going to get had I clicked past the article I was at. Since I couldn't press "newer" (naturally, since I don't have any history newer than the present), I pressed "older" dozens and dozens of times and annoyed myself, and then I rated the tablet article, and suddenly I realized I could press "newer" and started to do that. I expected to annoy myself again, but instead I guess I pressed the button too fast or a packet got lost or something, 'cause the loading graphic came on and stayed there. The loading graphic wasn't centered either; personally, I think that's a bug. :-p Finally, I forwarded a copied and pasted this writeup into the feedback form and sent it off along with a link to this post (so you know you can reply to me here).

1 point by akkartik 5498 days ago | link

Thanks rocketnia! I've added the feed for that URL, so it should get crawled and indexed sometime in the next day or so.

I'm investigating your bug in the logs. (The feedback link worked fine, BTW) Stay tuned..


1 point by akkartik 5498 days ago | link

Ah, I figured out the problem - the history requests were shared across all users, so if somebody else makes a request while you're browsing, you see the history for their station when you hit older or newer


(This is, of course, in addition to the failed request at the end, and the layout issues)
